
We would like to introduce ourselves as City Pest Control & Cleaning Co., we Specialist in Pest Control Services, through its highly trained and skilled personnel and we are using the latest state of art technology and equipments.


Treatment Of Cockroaches Not Big Issue With Three essential Treatments Way There are not more than Three methods to Control Cockroaches and Depend on your premises , Each home is Unique And our Supervisor will determine which way is better :
1) Ger Treatment.
2) Spray Treatment.
3) Bait Station
Cockroaches never be away from your home while you just forgetting some sweet one floor, they immediate will be found and creating ants problems to get rid of them dafly found CPC way for that.


Treatment Ants With Gel methods became the most successful way to get rid of it ,, as long as we know that’s ants living in strong community each one ants belong to big colony under ground in either in apartment or villa or other .. Killing ants by spray direct way will help but we have to insure that never come back again

Three type of Ant treatment are
1) Ger Treatment
2) Spray Treatment
3) Bait Station


Cockroaches gel bait is an excellent solution to the problem of both the indoor and outdoor cockroaches that plague many premises. This long-lasting and highly effective method of eradicating cockroaches has become very popular among individuals as well as professional because of its long-lasting results and ease of use.
Life cycle goes a long way in dealing with roach problems. Just consider the fact that for every cockroach visible, there are numerous more hidden away and all of them are in various stages of their lives. Moreover, the high adaptability.


Bed bugs treatment its not just spray a place with some regular products its need a great plan with professional technician trained to control Bed bugs . Many companies treat bed bugs normal with that case you will face bed bugs again and again.. to solve bed bugs problem you need IPM System and this with CPC system to treat bed bugs , with proud that more than 70000 satisfied Customers in United Arab Emirates happy with our services and this is Power OF CPC Inspections , Spray Treatment , Bait Station


If you have seen evidence of bed bugs in your premises or want to help protect your home against this multiplying intruder, you need a real inspection from our super visor .. usually our inspector man will decide what kind of treatment you need , Each hone is unique that why our inspectors are got full trained to determine how to solve your problem and get rid of bed bugs permanently Bed bugs are sneaky and hard to find, supervisor is trained to pinpoint evidence if they are around. On the first visit, he will examine your entire home including the bed, furniture, rugs, and linens. curtains , He will conduct an inspection of target areas, and if required, use tools to check cracks and crevices. will start from a to z in your apartment so let us do the best with we got.


Upon completion of the inspection and an assessment of the situation, will recommend the best course of action. If the inspection confirms an infestation, will recommend a treatment plan based on the severity of the infestation and your preferences. He will use the best tools and science to address the causes and treat your bed bug problem in the best way for your family, pets, kids and the environment. This implementation method targets bed bugs as well as the bed bug larvae preventing them from maturing into breeding, biting, and potentially disease-carrying adults.


Bed bugs never sleep, and unfortunately, they can visit any time without notice. Professional treatments can take two to Three visits to eradicate the problem. Because early detection is so critical, CPC can come back periodically to monitor your home and help prevent an infestation. monitoring its important stage in our service we provide unlimited call out and no bothering us just give us a call we will prepare an immediate appointment and this power of Akkad , with contract six months full provide protection to your premises

Rodent control

Cotton Rat: The head and body of cotton rats range in length from 13.3 to 21.3 cm. The tail is bare and is not as long as the head and body (7.6 to 16.5 cm). Their bodies are covered with coarse hair. The ears are almost hidden by the hair. The rats are usually gray on their back with black hairs mixed in. The underside is light colored.
House Rat: House mice are covered in short hair that is light brown or gray to black in color, with lighter bellies
Roof Rat: Black or brown, can be over 40 cm long, with a long tail, large ears and eyes, and a pointed nose. Body is smaller and sleeker than the Norway rats.

Wasps , Moth & Bees

Bees are not very aggressive in general, but they protect their hive from anything that gets close. If there is a bee's nest close to residence, it can cause lot of problems from time to time.When the nest is disturbed, they start attacking and strings anyone and anything in the range of hive.
Wasps are slightly bigger than bees, live in hives made of plant cells.They are aggressive insects and will start attacking even for small noises.We are experts in removing wasp hive and will destroy it safely.
Moths, though it won't sting like bees nor it won't spread any disease,it can damage cloths,carpets,upholstery fabric in our home.Moths,though it won't sting like bees nor it won't spread any disease, it can damage cloths, carpets, upholstery fabric in our home.


Termites are nothing but colony pests that feeds on cellulose and are very common among the residential premises. Usually the existence of termite is not indicated in the early stages. There are five different species of termite that are generally existing in Middle East. They would easily tear away tough cabinets as well as papers. Conehead, Dampwood, Drywood termites are very common no matter where or how clean the premises is. The common sign to find termite infestation is the occurrence of the winged pests around the house or near the windows. But their existence in the cabinets is very difficult to identify as they may be present anywhere. We City Pest Control help to identify the minute cracks that they make over the wooden cabinets and our experienced professionals take the necessary care to eliminate termites completely.

Pregnant lady & new birth

Pesticides that are not very harmful to adults can have a harmful effect on an unborn child or on a small baby. Children exposed to certain types of pesticides are more likely to have low intelligence scores than those who were not exposed to pesticides.